Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have noooo idea what this cafe was called... but it's on Oxford Street... next to Thomas Dux Grocers... and it's amazing! Go there! Eat their food! Be Merry!

Due North.

So my first bout of homesickness arrived approximately 5 weeks into my 7 week trip. It was a deep seated homesickness that came out of nowhere. It made me squirm, it made me cry, it even made me tap my heels three times and say "there's no place like home"... just in case that shit actually worked. I squeezed my eyes shut and curled into a ball and wondered if I could somehow become so instantly amazing at meditation and out of body travel that I could transport myself back to my home and my friends sheerly through the power of my mind. I think I was pretty close to cracking it.
But eventually this longing began to fade. Don't get me wrong, I was definitely ready to come home when I did. I'd had about enough of staring at the same four walls and having no money and coming off hold for jobs and living out of a suitcase...
But now, after the shocking revelation that there is no career plan pegged out for me, I'm probably not going to be a supermodel and therefore I can choose what city I want to live in.. It makes me wonder... where do i want to be? If i was not me but if I could see me, where would I tell me to go? Ha! Who knows?!
Home is where the heart is.. but if your heart is with your friends, your family, your comforts and where everything is easy at the same time as being in the unknown, the big-time, somewhere far away.. then where does that leave you?
I found a picture the other day, it said "I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the Earth... Then I ask myself the same question"
Good point.
Do you go to the most exciting city to search for the biggest dream? Even if you've been told the odds are against you? What happens if the dream falls through, the dream dies, the dream disappears? What do you have left in that big exciting city? Not friends, not family, no comforts.
Just you and your charred sparkler of a dream.
But on the other hand, if you know that you've got to get out of this town eventually, you've got to be more than what you are now, you can't live and die here... then where do you choose? Do you choose the place where the dream is... just in case? Do you throw the dream away and opt for the financially stable thing to do? Do you shave your head and wander the planet until you find some direction?
How do you map a section of your life when you don't even have a compass?
Hrmm. Bit heavy I know, but these are the questions. Universe, please send me a compass.. or a sign.. maybe a map.

Cosmo Shoot!

Some of my favourite little moments from the past few months..


Shag - I came across this little gem the other day on my walk home from a casting. Well, actually, I've been eyeing off this treasure trove since my second day in Sydney when I passed it on a bus, sweaty little palms pressed against the window, slack jawed and wide eyed.

Over the following weeks i admired it from afar, trying to convince myself it would be just like all the other over-hyped, over-priced second hand stores that try to pass themselves off as worthy candidates for my hard earned moolah.

But, I am happy to say, I was not disappointed!

Although I didn't buy anything from this store (round of applause please), the gorgeous interiors alone were utterly satisfying for my world-weary eyes.

You kind of feel like you're entering into someone else's (amazing, out of this world) living room-cum-wardrobe when you step through the beaded curtain.

Clever shelving in rich colours really make the jewel-toned vintage pop to the extent where you just want to crawl into; and become part of the gorgeous tapestry of each rack.

Conglomerates of costume jewellery sparkle like Vegas in well lit cabinets while shoes of every shape and colour line the walls and invite you to step in and take them for a spin.

As cliched as it sounds, I really did feel like a kid in an old-school candy shop.

Liquorice allsorts + giraffe print boots + a bag of boiled lollies please!

Well worth a visit next time you're on Oxford street.