to love and to be loved
it's quite an achievement. sometimes it hurts
sometimes it doesn't seem worth it
sometimes it drives you mad
sometimes it's hard
sometimes you are blinded by it
sometimes it opens up your eyes
sometimes it makes you think you can do impossible things
sometimes it makes you do impossible things
when love is lost
when love is misplaced
when love runs away
it can be soul destroying
you will probably not remember the tough times
your broken heart will only let you see the fun you had
your broken heart will tell you that you will not survive the day
your broken heart will tell you that you are all the things you do not want to be
your broken heart revels in your tears, it tells you to cry a little bit more
your broken heart asks you to see if you can cry yourself to death
you will listen to your broken heart
you will abide by the rules your broken heart sets
you will allow your broken heart to lock the doors and pull the blinds shut
to climb into your bed and pull the covers over your head
and your broken heart will tell you that no one knows how hurt you are
that no one can help you
that no one could possibly have gone through what you're going through and lived
and because, by this stage, your broken heart is your best friend, you listen
you listen to it's every whim
you make no time for anyone else
if you stop listening to your broken heart for just a second
and take a look around
you just might find, that you're surrounded
edged in
knee deep
in broken heart survivors
they've patched themselves up
brushed themselves off
maybe they've found new loves
sure, they might be a little scarred
they might walk with a limp
but they are almost certainly better people for the experience
no one said that love and loss was going to be fun
stop listening to donna lewis (yes, you) stop googling heartbreak
stop drinking yourself into a broken hearted puddle
this is the best time in your life
you may not see it just yet
you might not see it for a long time to come
but your skin is getting thicker, your heart is getting smarter
no, not your broken heart, your whole heart, it's still there
and it's learning
learning that you can be by yourself
learning what makes you tick
learning what you like to do with your time
learning that there are people around you who are worth your time
learning that you don't have to be treated with anything less than the love and respect you deserve
it will take time, it will take patience, it will take a hell of a lot of guts
but you will wriggle free of what you will soon discover is your broken hearts strangle-hold
you will come out the other side, emerge from the shadows as a better, more beautiful, more intelligent person
just like the moth that breaks free of its chrysalis
give life a try, who knows, you might just like it.
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