"Everybody fears that which they do not understand. Should you live your life in fear? Fuck no. Should you live your life according to someone else’s opinions or point of view? Again fuck no. Should you live your life the way you see fit? Fuck yes. Why? Because you have to do what makes you happy. Life is too short to wallow in self pity and misery. If pottering around in the garden makes you happy then do it. If you derive joy from simply watching other people do things then buy a comfy chair and sit and enjoy the view. People live and die without doing things the way the want to simply to keep other people happy. I see this as living in fear. Living in fear that others will perceive you as different, and what is different isn’t acceptable. But being different is what makes you a little more special than the rest."
I especially love the part about pottering around in the garden. Every time I criticise someone, whether it be in my head or out loud, I try to take a step back and appreciate that maybe they're doing whatever it is because they absolutely love it and it makes them happy. Maybe they were inspired and maybe they're living out some pipe dreams. And really, who am I to pass judgement on someone who's just doing what they love?
I think maybe if we all spent a little bit less time criticising what other people are doing and a little more time enjoying life then everybody would be a lot better off. Yes yes, i know it all sounds terribly cliched but next time you find yourself having a little whinge about something that someone else is doing, think about it - are they doing it because it's something that they love? Imagine, I mean, really feeeeeeel the love they're putting into whatever it is and put it into something that you're doing. I guarantee that not only will you find yourself doing better things with your time but you will do a better job at those things and feel better about doing them!
And if all else fails and you're feeling like this person is absolutely a waste of space when they - for example - argue with you for liking a tv show that they don't - just think "well that was a little bit silly, wasn't it?".
I learnt that little gem from a friend who had learnt it from a psychic and it never fails to make me giggle when I think of it. To be able to have a little catch phrase like that in times of need is excellent because it allows you to address the situation in your head, realise that it really was petty and that it is not doing you favours to dwell on it, and therefore you are able to move past it.
Try both, change the world.
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